Biologically-rich blend with 100% organic inputs and essential, naturally-derived minerals and probiotic clays
Loaded with bioavailable minerals and trace elements that allow plants to optimize their full genetic potential
Loaded with all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytochemicals that your body needs to heal itself
Plants are constantly extracting the minerals they need to thrive, and once you harvest, you need to refill the “gas tank” of minerals and microbes to produce another optimized crop. Bioavailability, the ability for the plants to uptake the chelated minerals, is key here. We highly micronize our minerals to improve bioavailabilty and speed up the process by which the critical minerals can become bioavailable to the plants in the form they need. Amending the soil each turn with our BioFUEL allows us to produce 6-8 crops per year, using the same base Alegría Living Soil. We normally “ignite” the amended soil with our 100% liquid organic emulsion comprised of fish hydrolyzate, kelp and humic acid and two days later we plant the new crop. With green romaine, this process has proven to yield superior nutrient-dense lettuce every turn with the Soxx lasting for up to three years.
May 02, 2022
FarmBank Expands!
Alegría Fresh is proud to announce the completion of the
Alegría SoxxBoxx farm expansion at Second Harvest Food Bank in Irvine, CA.
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June 17, 2021
Irvine’s Farm + Food Lab is Pioneering The Future Of Urban Farming
So Cal Magazine
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June 19, 2019
Farmacy of Light
So Cal Magazine
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June 19, 2019
On Food: Farm + Food Lab’s micro-farm is growing “healing food”
Los Angeles Times Daily Pilot
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June 12, 2019
Urban farmer looking to end food deserts helps guide O.C. teens
ABC7 Eyewitness News
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June 11, 2019
SOCALS First Urban Regenerative Organic Farm in OC
Greer’s OC
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June 10, 2019
New demonstration farm at Orange County
Great Park looks good enough to eat
The Orange County Register
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>> Download PDF
June 10, 2019
Greer’s OC Intagram Story Regenerative Organic Farm
Greer’s OC Instagram
>> Download PDF
April 17, 2018
When Soil Is Contaminated, Build Above It
Garden Collage Magazine
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Irvine Urban Garden and Food Bank Fight Hunger: https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/human-interest/2020/08/05/irvine-urban-garden-and-food-bank-fight-hunger#
Alegría SoxxBoxx Gro System: Regenerative Organic Farming Systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pesqtODu_XM
Why Alegría Farmacy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9wvzbcxy7M
Why Soil Matters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pesqtODu_XM
Graeme Sait at TedX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q1VnwcpW7E&spfreload=10
The Compost Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqDQD8cvO5Y
The Soil Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvAoZ14cP7Q
The Value of Soil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=403sT9CGRl0
Mushrooms Sequester Carbon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOzfs6Et9jk&feature=youtu.be
Nature is Speaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dor4XvjA8Wo
1) Alegría’s Premium Soil used in our SoxxBoxx Gro system produces the best tasting, fastest growing, strongest plants loaded with all essential nutrients;
2) Polypropylene Soxx breathe, providing more oxygen to the roots by promoting “root pruning”;
3) SoxxBoxx Gro system optimizes combined aeroponic, hydroponic and organic systems;
4) Grow your favorite “healing foods” including leafy greens, medicinal herbs and vegetables anywhere;
5) Above ground growing keeps crops away from hungry critters, makes harvesting standing up easy and provides a cooler growing environment up and away from contaminated or deficient soils;
6) 95% less water is required, 50% less fertilizer and zero toxic pesticides;
7) Modular design can be scaled to any size;
8) Automatic irrigation or hand watering is simple and fast;
9) SoxxBoxx Gro system regenerative organic farming can provide 6-8 crop cycles a year;
10) 100% recyclable Earth-kind design;
Our Alegría Premium Soil blend used in the Soxx is 100% organic living soil and our super efficient SoxxBoxx regenerative organic urban food production gro system uses 90% less water, 50% less fertilizer and zero toxic pesticides. Our SoxxBoxx Gro system is proven, cost effective, scalable and ready to deploy over all man-made surfaces within the urban envelope. We can now offer 100% organic “tractorless farming” where people live and work.
(calculated for one 4’x 8’ SoxxBoxx grow system with 48 linear ft. of 8” GardenSoxx)
-Storm Water Absorption: 81.6 gals/tray
-Organics Diverted from Landfill: 3,216 lbs/tray
-Methane Avoidance (due to diversion): 5,664 lbs CO2e/tray
-Carbon Sequestered by Vegetation: .38 lbs CO2e/tray
-Carbon Sequestered by Soil: 528 lbs CO2e/tray
As all our remaining fertile land is being paved over, we can fill the niches with “neighborhood food forests”, and in most cases residents can have Alegría Farms on their own property. The “farmland of the future”, according to a quick Google maps survey, comprises over 40 square miles of land in LA and Orange County that can be repurposed at minimal cost, virtually eliminating food deserts while strengthening community resiliency (Food Security + Energy Independence). Add in the human factors such as the increase in social justice in marginalized communities, ie, increased health and wellbeing resulting from greater access to nutrient dense food in food deserts, lower auto-immune disease rates (diabetes, obesity and cancer), living wage job creation, as well as mitigating climate change (increase carbon sequestration and water retention from the greening up of blighted neighborhoods).